lørdag den 24. november 2012

Karmic Relations

The concept of karma is that of cause and effect, so our thoughts and actions in one life creates effects in future lives, especially when it comes to relations! Apart from our interaction with nature, the main karmic impact - good and bad - is our interaction with other humans! Life as a mirror, shows us our past in all conflicts and struggles, as all the persons that gives us a hard time, is a picture of ourselves in earlier lifetimes! That's why forgiveness is such a good healer - forgiving others, is forgiving ourselves!

In modern astrology the outer planets- jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto are karmic indicators, as well as the moon and even Chiron!
In our birth chart, hard aspects from our personal planets to these slow moving planets, reveals the main karmic challenge in this lifetime, and the same aspects in synasty - between the  birthcharts of two people tells us of a possible karmic relation!

A karmic relation in this sense does not say that you have met before - it might -but it says that the theme of the planet involved is mediated, as a karmic effect, by this person in your present life!

So if you for instance have a saturn synastry aspect, this person might give you high demands, like in a working relationship, as an echo of your own past as an employer, boss or demanding teacher or master. If you embrace this karma, it will wonderfully wear out your sharp edges, and evolve humanity and empathy, and of course, can get you the benefits of hard work!

Jupiter is more fun and easygoing in synastri, and are traditionally associated with happiness and marriage. This could be meeting supportive, positive and generous friends and partners, but of course, jupiters love for freedom can be a challenge in these times - so watch up for the need to own your partner! This planet reflects your own generosity in past lives, and as such is experienced mostly as "good karma"!
Uranus is also a free spirit, and very hard to catch! This works best as travelcompanions on adventure, or in short romances with less demands! If you want to go steady with a uranus connection, be shure to create tons of freedom within the relationship - and don't try to dominate in any way! Maybe such persons mirro your own sensitivity to power, from past lives as a rebell or freedomfighter!

Neptune loves unity and art and search for deeper spiritual realms! You might find a soulmate or a gifted person, that you feel you have known all your life! Often you don't need words, but feel the telepathic connection directly! Though - neptune is misty, confusing and create illusion just as easy as wonders! So if it ends out being deceptive , causing dissapointments and abandonment - it's time to confront your own values and behavior, misguiding others!

Pluto loves passion - red as blod! It's the ultimate power planet, so in synastry, your in for strong emotions! It's the God of the underworld, so there might be fascinating connections in the subconscious and the occult, but it's also the planet of crises, so any old behavior or happit, that you cling to - he will force you to let go! This can be deep healing relations, but sometimes even violent - as you confront the most primitive sites from your own past! Only forgiveness brings about transformation here - let go power, and you will be enpowered!

The moon symbolizes the past, both childhood and past lives, so moon synastry can help you heal the child in you! This might be a person that makes you feel secure and nurtured - like a child in your mothers arms! All subconsious reactions on threads and stress will trigger old habituated emotional survival response hidden in the moon sign, so this kind of relation can be very healing - if you dare open up and show the vulnerability of your inner child!

Chiron, the wise Centaur, is the healer who adress your deepest wounds! When you join up with this synastry, you immidiatly go deep together! Automaticly you put your finger on the most vulnerably spot and transform the moment to deep existential therapy - if you don't run away, screaming like a madman! It takes some maturity to stay put, and to cherrice this opportunity to heal the karmic trauma, that often goes many lifetimes back! And interesting enough, Chiron even was the astrologer!
So in karmic aspects, we have an opportunity, both to find a deep sincere relation and to heal ourselves and our friends and partners, from karmic trauma and thus liberate us to be free and present in love - in this and future lives to come!

One community that gives a chance for Astrological synastri in this sense, is Ekodate, an alternative singlesite that offers this understanding and method in a service called EkoMatch!

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